(image credit: Dennis Novak/Getty Images)
It's quite the conundrum. You don't have a Mac. You're eager to install Lion on your hackintosh but it requires purchasing and installing Snow Leopard, only to then purchase and upgrade to Lion(???). Like me, you don't want to pay for two operating systems when you're only interested in the fresh new hotness Lion has to offer. The official OS X Lion USB Thumb Drive is $69 before tax (ouch), and like a good student of tonymacx86, you want an all-in-one bootable USB thumb drive with everything you need to set up Lion and maintain it (à la UniBeast). I wrestled with this for a bit. I knew I wanted a "legitimate" copy of Lion for my hackintosh, as ironic as that sounds, but it just didn't make sense buying two operating systems just to get the one I really wanted. And since all I had were Windows systems, I needed some google inspiration...